Vocabulary From Classical Roots Strategic Vocabulary Instruction to Unlock the Meaning of Thousands of Words
Teach valuable vocabulary strategies to unlock the meanings of unfamiliar words based on their Greek and Latin roots.
- Comprehension & Vocabulary Program
- Grades 4–11
- Tier 1

Strategic Vocabulary Instruction Through Greek and Latin Roots
More than 60% of the English language is comprised of words derived from Greek and Latin roots. Vocabulary from Classical Roots® is ideal for students mastering a growing content-area vocabulary in social studies, science, and mathematics — predominantly multisyllabic Greek- and Latin-based words. Vocabulary from Classical Roots helps students unlock the meanings of thousands of words. As students shift focus from learning phonics to building advanced vocabulary and comprehension, they will develop practical strategies to make meaning from unfamiliar words.
Students Learn to Unlock the Meanings of Thousands of Words
Think of all the words you can read, spell, and write when you learn Greek and Latin roots!

Student Books
Use the student books to teach valuable vocabulary strategies as well as etymologies. Assign exercises in small group, whole class, with:
- Dictionary-style definitions with illustrative sentences
- Synonym, antonym, analogy, and sentence completion exercises
- “Challenge Words” to enhance vocabulary development
- “Nota Bene” sections provide word histories and clarify commonly confused words
- Expository and creative writing prompts in each lesson
- Familiar and Challenge words to allow students to use prior knowledge and extend understanding
- Key Words including high-utility roots and affixes that link to grade-level standards and content-area curriculum
Teacher’s Guide
- Direct, scaffolded instruction for diverse learning needs
- Literary, historical, and geographical references that link vocabulary to content-area topics
- Games and activities that promote vocabulary acquisition
- Answer key
- Reproducible Key Word Activities providing engaging homework exercises to extend your lessons.

Test Book Blackline Masters
- Feature multiple-choice questions like those on high-stakes tests
- Assess mastery of every lesson
- Types of questions include sentence completions, vocabulary application, and analogies
Vocabulary From Classical Roots Highlights
Familiarizes students with word origins and the evolution of language as well as clarification of commonly confused words, helping students build skills in:
- Greek and Latin roots
- Prefixes and suffixes
- Word origins and etymologies
- Synonyms and antonyms
- Analogies
- Word usage
- Word forms
- Critical thinking
- Dictionary and glossary use
- Critical thinking
- Writing
- Editing sentences
- Homophones
- Multiple-meaning words
- Parts of speech
- Spelling
- Syllables
- Test taking/assessment