Comprehensive support for every student at every level Supplemental Products

Comprehension & Vocabulary
Jump Right Into Reading Provides a foundation in basic sounds through structured "bite-size" lessons that ensure smooth progression across reading levels while featuring a variety of narratives for beginning and striving readers
Reading in Varied Subjects Helps students strengthen reading comprehension skills through exercises that develop their ability to find the main idea, identify facts, follow sequences, draw conclusions, and more
Decodable Readers
Touchphonics Decodable Readers Students develop fluency and comprehension as each decodable reader complements a lesson, providing opportunities to practice skills within an engaging story
Phonics & Word Study
Alphabetic Phonics Multisensory, Orton-Gillingham-based curriculum teaches phonics, language structure, handwriting, spelling, reading, and written and oral expression
Touchphonics This multisensory program uses Touch-Units® to help striving students master phonics, word structure, and spelling by engaging visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile modalities
Reading Intervention
Dyslexia Training Program Structured, multisensory sequence of activities using the Orton-Gillingham approach, encompassing the alphabet, reading, spelling, cursive handwriting, listening, language history, and review
EPS Phonics PLUS A comprehensive program focused on meaning and decoding that accelerates students’ ability to approach new texts
Language Tool Kits Multisensory, Orton-Gillingham-based program teaches reading and spelling to students with language-based learning difficulties
Slingerland Screening Tests The program includes assessments, administered individually or in groups, to help identify children who may have dyslexia or specific language disabilities
The Gillingham Manual The foundation of the Orton-Gillingham approach, a highly impactful and essential reading intervention designed specifically for children and adults with dyslexia and other reading difficulties
Spelling & Writing
Cursive Writing Skills Handwriting instruction tailored for right- and left-handed students, offering strategies for those with learning differences and proficient writers
How to Teach Spelling Students learn to recognize the sounds in the English language, to decode words, and to spell words correctly by relying on spelling rules and patterns rather than on memory
Just Write Guides students through the writing process from initial idea to final edited and published narrative
Rules of the Game A series that encourages students to discover that grammar is just another name for the patterns that exist in language
Sitton Spelling and Word Skills Offers a proven progression of resources designed to develop visual, spelling, and language skills, while enhancing proofreading abilities and preparing students for assessments
Spellwell A flexible spelling program that empowers students to independently discover and formulate spelling rules and generalizations
The Paragraph Book This step-by-step writing intervention series is designed for middle school students with learning differences who have struggled in traditional language arts programs
Words Are Wonderful Empowers teachers to differentiate vocabulary instruction with tailored lessons that target each student’s instructional level, unique needs, and learning style
Words I Use When I Write Personal dictionaries support readers and writers of all levels in mastering spelling and word recognition, while also fostering the development of broader literacy skills
Write On Handwriting Combines technology with written practice to build handwriting fluency through a unique 2-step approach
Writing Journals Designed journals help students organize their thoughts while sparking creativity and encouraging self-expression