Sitton Spelling and Word Skills Help Students Write Effectively for Life
Sitton Spelling and Word Skills® builds a strong foundation of word skills with creative instruction for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, designed to help students become better writers.
- Spelling, Grammar, Writing, & Handwriting
- Grades K–6
- Tiers 1 & 2

Spelling Instruction that Supports Literacy and Writing Skills
Sitton Spelling and Word Skills® teaches spelling within the context of a total-word skills curriculum, including decoding skills. The program provides creative instruction for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, designed to help students become better writers. Every unit also includes parent letters to help with the home-school connection.
Practice Books for Students
Student books provide reinforcement of essential skills, opportunities for discovery, and extension activities. Each student workbook correlates to activities in the Sourcebook and includes a personal spelling notebook, core words list, priority words list, and rules for reference. Easy-to-use, well-developed materials help students navigate spelling and word practice in a playful and meaningful way.

Sourcebook for Teachers
With dozens of units and lessons per grade, extension activities, and assessments, the Sourcebook for Teachers is the core of the Sitton program. It provides everything you need for complete and differentiated instruction in a day-by-day format. Sitton Sourcebook units have two main parts:
- Build skills and word experiences
- Assess words and skills
The Kindergarten Sourcebook
Geared toward younger learners, the Sourcebook for teachers includes a variety of activities to build literacy and word skills, including a Children’s Theater Celebration and Display of Work Presentations.

Additional Materials include:
My Spell Check®
Grades K–2
- Colorful, durable spelling references card with 85 high-use words plus animals, numbers, days, months, and weather.
- Also includes a 50+ word activities sheet.
- 10 cards per package.
Spell Check®
Grades 3–6
- Colorful, durable spelling references card with 150 high-use words plus months, days, common abbreviations, and 75 context sentences to clarify often confused words.
- Also includes a 50+ word activities sheet.
- 10 cards per package.
Teaching Posters
Grades 1–6
- These colorful, five-poster sets feature critical rules and rhymes for remembering essential concepts for each grade level.
- 1 five-poster set comes with each Sourcebook.
Core Word Activity Cards
Grades 1–3
Each card features a grade-specific skill-building activity on the back:
- Grade 1: Core Words 1–35, plus 40 onset-rime pattern cards
- Grade 2: Core Words 1–170
- Grade 3: Core Words 1–335
100 Words Chart
- This large, must-have colorful poster lists the first 100 Core Words.
- 5 posters per package.
Sitton Spelling and Word Skills Highlights
- Teaches spelling within the context of a total-word-skills curriculum.
- Includes decoding skills.
- Students deepen skills through discovery of patterns, mastery of high frequency writing words, and attention to proofreading and accountability.