Wordly Wise i3000® Connect Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension 100% Online
Combines direct academic vocabulary instruction with robust online activities, social sharing and interaction in a digital application that forges the critical link between vocabulary and reading comprehension.
- Comprehension & Vocabulary
- Grades 2-12
- Tiers 1 & 2
- Digital Format

Engaging Direct Academic Vocabulary Instruction
Wordly Wise i3000®, powered by Exploros™, is a subscription-based web application that provides engaging, direct academic vocabulary instruction to develop the critical link between vocabulary and reading comprehension. The robust activities, social sharing and interaction, and differentiated instruction within this digital application provide engagement and support to meet the needs of today’s varying student population.
Wordly Wise i3000 Replicates the Components of the Trusted Print Program to Build Student Vocabulary and Comprehension
Lesson Overview
Word Knowledge Awareness Rating
Students begin each lesson with a self-assessment of word knowledge:
- Teachers are able to see word knowledge ratings in real-time via progress monitoring.
- This information can be used to guide in-class instruction during the introduction of the word list.
Word List
Students are introduced to lesson words through traditional definitions and contextual sentences to help students fully grasp multiple word meanings. Words and definitions can be accessed through the word lists or interactive flashcards.

Practice Activities
Students complete a variety of practice activities that provide multiple exposures to each word. All activities are self-paced, provide feedback, and are automatically scored—providing value to both students and teachers.
Determining Meanings Teacher View:
- Embedded teacher notes
- Blue circle means partially correct
- Teachers click on a student to see responses
- As students submit answers, teachers can view their progress as a class
Students read an original passage that incorporates all of the lesson words, then answer comprehension questions to demonstrate their understanding. The reading passage for each lesson is offered at two levels: on grade level and below grade level, written at a lower Lexile® measure.
- Teachers seamlessly assign the appropriate reading passage to students within the platform.
- Comprehension Questions — Students who use the secondary passage are able to answer the same open-response questions as peers.

Application Activities
Wordly Wise i3000 incorporates teacher involvement along with social sharing and interaction in three application activities— Illustrated Vocabulary, Vocabulary Extension, and Creative Writing. In these activities, students apply their vocabulary knowledge in a social learning environment. Students must share their own responses before they can see what their classmates have written.
Peer-To-Peer Posting
- Students create an image and write a sentence to represent a word’s meaning.
- Once students share, they are able to see what their peers have submitted.
Vocabulary Extension Activity
Students explore one key academic word from the lesson and write responses to vocabulary extension prompts.
This activity provides motivation for students to express themselves in writing, while requiring that they use as many vocabulary words as possible
- Students apply their word knowledge in a variety of ways
- Students have the opportunity to respond to their classmates’ written work once they submit their own work
- Creative Writing Activity Students respond to creative writing prompts, and create their own unique sentences using selected vocabulary words.

Assessment and Reporting
Wordly Wise i3000 includes data and reporting to provide visibility into student performance at the student, class, school, and district level depending on the role of the user. The practice activities and assessments are automatically scored and reported in real-time. As students work through the lessons and levels of Wordly Wise i3000, teachers and administrators can track students’ progress and focus on meeting the needs of their students.
Student Progress Report — creates a heat map of different metrics at the student level for each class.
Student Summary Report — provides data for an individual student's performance on all class experiences.
Wordly Wise i3000 Highlights
- Practice activities are self-paced and automatically scored, providing instant feedback to both students and teachers.
- Teachers oversee social sharing and interaction — a feature that provides motivation, engagement, and additional support.
- Teachers seamlessly assign the appropriate on-grade- or below-grade-level reading passage.
- The digital application includes data and reporting to provide visibility into student performance at the student, class, school, and district level depending on the role of the user.
- All program resources are included in one place.