Preventing Academic Failure (PAF) Program Support Beginning & Striving Readers’ Mastery of Essential Literacy Skills
Teach reading, writing, and spelling with a comprehensive, multisensory program that can be used with beginning readers and children with learning disabilities.
- Reading Intervention
- Grades K–6
- Tiers 1, 2, & 3

A Multisensory Curriculum for Teaching Reading, Spelling, and Handwriting
After many years of using the Orton-Gillingham approach to teach reading in resource room settings, the authors of PAF (Preventing Academic Failure) set out to offer this same effective instruction for all students in general education classrooms. PAF is a comprehensive three-year program for teaching reading, writing, and spelling in the primary grades using multisensory techniques. PAF is designed to prevent reading failure in children with learning disabilities when begun in kindergarten or first grade, but it can also be used as an effective beginning reading program for all children, as it incorporates the reading practices supported by scientific research. The program includes a teacher's guide with over 200 lessons, and 4 student books.
Empower Beginning Readers to Master Essential Reading, Spelling and Handwriting Skills
PAF Teacher Handbook
- Provides a detailed guide to using all the materials in a sequence of unified lessons.
- Clearly written, step-by-step instructions for teaching reading, spelling, and handwriting using multisensory techniques.
- Provides a sequence of over 200 lessons that includes reading material for fluency and comprehension, as well as words and sentences for spelling instruction.
- Contains assessment tests to monitor progress.

PAF Stepping Up Student Practice Books
- Provide word, phrase and sentence lists that help develop word recognition, reading fluency and comprehension.
- Work as a critical component of the PAF reading program and can also be used as a fluency program in conjunction with any beginning reading program.
PAF Handwriting Program
- Enables all students — even those with graphomotor weaknesses — to write easily and legibly.
- Features books focused on print, numerals, and cursive writing:
- Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements are integrated with visual clues for proper letter formation.
- Writing lines are given names to help students remember letter size and placement.
- Works as an important part of the PAF reading program and can also be used as a stand-alone classroom handwriting program.

Alphabet Picture Cards
- Feature handwriting models for the upper- and lower-case print letters with illustrations of words corresponding to the sound of each letter. (7½" x 9")
Keyword Picture Cards
- Contain illustrations of words corresponding to the sounds of over 80 letter/sound associations, including vowel teams, consonant blends, silent letters, and digraphs. (5½" x 8½")

Pocket Chart Alphabet Cards
- Contain two alphabet sets (vowels are color-coded) for teaching phonemic awareness, sound-symbol associations, and spelling, and is used with a pocket chart. (3" x 4")
Cursive Alphabet Picture Cards
- Ideal for both older and remedial readers.
- Contain handwriting models for the upper- and lower-case cursive letters with illustrations of words corresponding to the sound of each letter. (5½" x 8½")
Cursive Wall Strip
- Includes upper- and lower-case cursive handwriting models. (15'2" x 6")
Review Packs
- Used for daily review, these cards contain phonograms, sight words, suffixes and homonyms.
- Review Pack I is used with Levels 1-129 in the PAF sequence.
- Review Pack II is used with Levels 130-202. (5" x 8")

Preventing Academic Failure (PAF) Highlights
- A comprehensive three-year program for teaching reading, writing and spelling in the primary grades using multisensory techniques.
- Designed to prevent reading failure in children with learning disabilities when begun in kindergarten or first grade and can also be used as an effective beginning reading program for all children.
- PAF is an Orton-Gillingham-based program that incorporates reading practices supported by scientific research.